Omni-Channel Solution

Omni-Channel Solution

iLottoSolutions Omni-Channel solution allows both retail and interactive channels to share the same central system providing the player with a seamless gaming experience.

Our Omni-Channel system allows players to:

  • Buy tickets through the retail channel and have winnings paid into their eWallet
  • Deposit funds into their eWallets at retail
  • Buy a game in retail but play it through an interactive channel
  • Get a unified view of their lottery playing activity through any channel

For lotteries, an Omni-Channel system allows the lottery and players to engage any time, anywhere and through any channel.  The streamlining of multiple channels into a single cohesive flow simplifies operations and reduces the time-to-market.

iLottoSolutions is the ideal partner for both new lottery operators and existing ones looking for a solution to bring their operations up to date.